
Follow along with me as I live out the Great Commission!

When I was a freshman in high school, I heard the Great Commission for the first time. Upon hearing God’s word tell me to go to all nations and make disciples, I understood it was a command. From that moment, I have felt the responsibility I have as a disciple of Christ to spread the Gospel no matter where I am.

I became a Christian when I was 12 years old, but my senior year of high school I started consistently studying God’s word and strengthening my relationship with my Heavenly Father. Reading my bible every day has transformed me from the inside out, and is continually sanctifying me! I am now a Sophomore in college, and I know that I have a real responsibility to go and make disciples and my college campus has proven to be a perfect place to do so. I spent my freshman year at a private Christian University, and God used my time there to solidify my beliefs and my foundation on Him, and the summer before my sophomore year God called me to a public university down the road. I was scared to leave my comfortable Christian campus where I was surrounded by like-minded people, but I am so thankful for God placing me in a new environment. I get to be an ambassador for Christ and spread His light in the midst of a sea of people who are walking in darkness. I have found so much fulfillment in living boldly and unashamed for Christ amongst my peers who do not know God. I’ve had countless opportunities to share the Gospel, I get to lead a women’s bible study on campus, I’ve been given the opportunity to lead worship at all kinds of events, I’ve shared my testimony countless times, I’ve heard countless life stories and I’ve built relationships with people from all around the world and different walks of life!

My friendships with international students have impacted me in a deep way. I am getting to make disciples of all nations right where I’m at! But each of my international friends has a unique but similar story. They came to a foreign country by themselves, wanting to experience the world, and most didn’t really know what to expect and it has caused them to rely fully on God to meet all their needs. I am often left in awe after talking to my international friends. The way they live their lives full of faith and trust inspires me to do the same! I’ve felt called to overseas missions since I was a freshman in high school hearing the Great Commission for the first time, and God has placed people in my life and opened so many doors to point me to this opportunity to serve on the World Race. I’m excited to experience life and ministry outside of America, and to have a way to relate to my international friends back home. I know I will be going into full time ministry after college, and I know this will be a life-changing experience to grow me and prepare me for my future in ministry!